Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I made this simple slide show 4 years to encourage people to adopt. You really can not change the whole world...but you can transform the world of a child. And as family after family adopt, we see a real big miracle taking place. Maybe you have said or thought "maybe I should adopt"? I encourage you to think about it again. And I know it's not so easy or cheap...but nothing in this life worth having or doing is easy. But I can also say first hand that it is worth it. Half a million children are waiting in the US foster care system for a real family. Millions more are waiting all over the world. What can you do to help them? Can you help feed them, educate them, provide much needed medical care or even shoes? Could you adopt, or help a family pay for an adoption? Could you pray? Could you hold a garage sale, bake sale, or benefit concert? We are not powerless to change lives. And if you really want to experience change first hand, adopt.

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