Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One day she will use that passion to do great things!

I have to take Sarah to the doctor today. She was so disappointed about missing school she sat on the stairs and cried (screamed a fit) for 20 mins. It reminds me of how she was when she first came nearly 3 years ago. She knows a temper tantrum isn't going to win her anything but she still tries it now and then. She calmed down and apologized after awhile. I was going to take her out to breakfast but I can not reward that behavior. Sad!
Today I am getting her blood tested. She has Hep B and it needs to be monitored once or twice a year. I would love to see her sub covert from a positive to a negative status. That's not likely to happen. Still, it's very important to monitor her blood. If her body begins to recognize the virus it will fight it. This could lead to liver damage. They have great drugs that can help her if this happens. For more on managing Hep B read HERE. For the most part it's been a very easy special need to manage. You should not fear adopting a child with Hep B. And if your child has a temper tantrum my advise is never give in to a terrorist! Reward good behavior and starve bad behavior. By starving bad behavior I mean don't give it allot of good or bad attention. Negative attention is still attention. Try to stay calm and reward good behavior. Sarah is better now. I guess I need to make breakfast. My girl has great passion. It is what helped her survive a Chinese orphanage for 4 years. One day she will use that passion to do great things!

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